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2014 Fall
Mar 13, 2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

CIS 5516 - Principles of Data Management
Prerequisites: CIS 5511 (or 8511) and CIS 5512 (or 8512).

This course covers fundamental and advanced topics in Database Management Systems, including: Database System Architecture: ANSI/SPARC architecture; data abstraction; external, conceptual, and internal schemata; data independence; data definition and data manipulation languages. Data Models: Entity-relationship and relational data models; data structures, integrity constraints, and operations for each data model. Relational Query Languages: SQL, algebra, calculus. Theory of Database Design: Functional dependencies, normal forms, dependency preservation, information loss. Query Optimization: Equivalence of expressions, algebraic manipulation, optimization of selections and joins. Storage Strategies: Indices, B-trees, hashing. Transaction Processing: Recovery and concurrency control. Object-oriented and object-relational Data Model. Parallel and Distributed Databases. Multimedia databases and queries by content. Data mining, data warehousing, mobile databases, Web databases.
Credit Hours: 3.000

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Base Lecture

Division: Graduate
Department: CST:Computer & Info Sci

Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels:     

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