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Detailed Course Information


2023 Summer I
Mar 13, 2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

ECON 3501 - Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
An intermediate treatment of microeconomic theory and applications. Topics include consumer behavior, production, costs, perfect competition, imperfect competition, factor markets, public goods, and market failure. NOTE: This theory course is designed for economics, finance, and actuarial science majors with analytic skills. It is required for all Economics majors. It is not recommended for non-majors who earned less than B- in Economics 1101 or 1102. Students who have received credit for ECON 3701 may not register for this course.
Credit Hours: 3.000

Levels: Graduate, NonDegree Continuing Undergrad, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Base Lecture

Division: Undergraduate
Department: CLA:Economics

Mutual Exclusion:
This course carries a mutual exclusion with the following courses; you may not enroll in it if you have completed any of the following with a passing grade:
ECON 3701

General Requirements:
Course or Test: ECON 1101 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: ECON 1901 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MATH 1042 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MATH 1942 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MATH 1951 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: MATH 2043 to 3080 | Required Courses: 1 | Minimum Grade of C- | May be taken concurrently.  )
MATW Y - May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: ECON 1102 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently.  )
Course or Test: ECON 1902 | Minimum Grade of C- | May not be taken concurrently. )

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