Disaster Japan: Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Crisis and the Politics of 3.11 - 35559 - ASST 2030 - 801 | ||||||||||||||
Topical Course Description: The great East Japan Tohoku Earthquake of March 11, 2011 was among the greatest disasters in history and the direst social crisis in Japan in the post-war era. This course examines the events of 3.11, from the immediate aftermath of the Tsunami, Earthquake and nuclear crisis and the application of crisis management philosophies and procedures, to its influence on Japanese Civil Society, electoral politics and the reinvigoration of the anti-nuclear movement, and volunteerism in participatory politics.
Associated Term: 2018 Spring Registration Dates: Nov 01, 2017 to Jan 19, 2018 Registration Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate Japan Campus Base Lecture Schedule Type Classroom In-Person Instructional Method Credit Hours: 3.000 Seats Available: 13