Law and Society in Japan - 36349 - ASST 3000 - 802 | ||||||||||||||
Topical Section Description: This course will examine how the law functions in Japanese society from empirical and critical perspectives. Starting with an examination of the Tokugawa legal system which has arguably influenced even the modern legal system and people's behavior toward the law, we will discuss major issues regarding legal education and legal profession, the judiciary, crime and criminal justice, civil disputes and civil justice, politics and the Constitutional Law, corporate governance, and some specific contemporary problems such as the legal aftermath of the disaster at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011, and regulating hate speech.
Associated Term: 2018 Spring Registration Dates: Nov 01, 2017 to Jan 19, 2018 Registration Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate Japan Campus Base Lecture Schedule Type Classroom In-Person Instructional Method Credit Hours: 3.000 Seats Available: 35