Russian Politics - 7056 - POLS 4320 - 811 | ||||||||||||||
Topical Section Description: This course examines the past and present of Russian politics in an effort to help you make sense of the future when it arrives. We will examine aspects of the topic including the institutions, events, personalities, and issues that have shaped the country’s domestic and foreign policy. All politics is local, the US Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill famous said. The Russia brand of politics is unique because, unlike some liberal democracies that display a blend of moralistic behavior and almost cynical pragmatism, many current Russian leaders seem to want to restore the USSR, with all of its oppressive apparatus. Exploiting the country’s potential enormous power resources and capitalizing on the upheaval within the EU, NATO and the United States they might succeed. The goal of this course is to give you a broad overview of the process of policy making in Russia. To this end we will spend a good deal of time discussing the various academic models which seek to explain how political leaders make policy decisions. Along the way we will consider economic, security, and human rights issues. We will look at the Tsarist and Soviet “past” of these issues and (perhaps) make some predictions about “the future” of Russian foreign policy.
Associated Term: 2017 Summer I Registration Dates: Mar 29, 2017 to Jun 02, 2017 Registration Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate Japan Campus Base Lecture Schedule Type Classroom In-Person Instructional Method Credit Hours: 3.000 Seats Available: 31