Class Schedule Listing

Temple University

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Class Schedule Listing - 2017 Summer I (Feb 15, 2025)


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= There are fees to take this course

Sections Found
Contemporary Japanese Art and Visual Culture, from 1945 to the Present - 6970 - ASST 2096 - 811
CL: Art Hist 2898 (811). Notes: An extra media fee of 4,400 yen is required. Field trips are mandatory in this class. Topical Course Description: This course examines the development of Japanese art and visual culture in the postwar period. Instead of providing a linear history of formal developments, this course thematically explores some of the major theoretical issues that surround contemporary Japanese art and visual culture. Critical readings will provide social, historical, and political contexts for understanding a broad range of visual cultural practices including art, fashion, design, graphic novels, and films. Through the course we will consider topics such as the question of modernity and the West in Japanese art; underground art and political dissent in the 1960s; the rise of mass culture and design; roles of gender, cuteness, and fantasy; and representations of otherness and the myth of homogeneity.

Associated Term: 2017 Summer I
Registration Dates: Mar 29, 2017 to Jun 02, 2017
Registration Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Course Attributes: Writing Intensive

Japan Campus
Base Lecture Schedule Type
Classroom In-Person Instructional Method
Credit Hours: 4.000

Seats Available: 13

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 8:00 am - 11:00 am TR Azabu Hall - Japan 00303 May 29, 2017 - Aug 02, 2017 Base Lecture Taro Nettleton (P)E-mail

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