Class Schedule Listing

Temple University

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Class Schedule Listing - 2019 Fall (Feb 19, 2025)


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= There are fees to take this course

Sections Found
Prejudice and Discrimination in Japan - 40479 - PSY 3620 - 801
Topical Section Description: Japan is a country where discrimination and prejudice towards certain groups are not really visible to the public or part of public awareness, even for the very groups that discriminate against others. However, Japan has been going through social, economic, and institutional transitions which highlight the experience of groups that suffer discrimination and prejudice. This course focuses on how certain groups in Japan experience discrimination and prejudice - groups such as women, people with infectious diseases, foreign workers and residents, ethnic minority groups (buraku, ainu, zainichi), and people with physical and mentally disabilities. The course analyzes the nature of existing discrimination and prejudice from psychological perspectives and theories.

Associated Term: 2019 Fall
Registration Dates: Apr 03, 2019 to Sep 06, 2019
Registration Levels: Graduate, NonDegree Continuing Undergrad, Undergraduate

Japan Campus
Base Lecture Schedule Type
Classroom In-Person Instructional Method
Credit Hours: 3.000

Seats Available: 6

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:20 am - 11:50 am TR Temple Japan Main Building 00304 Sep 02, 2019 - Dec 11, 2019 Base Lecture Tin tin Htun (P)

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