Class Schedule Listing

Temple University

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Class Schedule Listing - 2020 Spring (Feb 19, 2025)


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Sections Found
Feminist Art and Theory - 40763 - ARTH 2098 - 801
Notes: An extra media fee of 4,500 yen is required. Field trips are mandatory in this class. Topical Section Description: The development of feminist movements and theories in the latter half of the 20th century has been and continues to be one of the most critical and productive forces to shape the direction and reception of postwar art. In this course, we will examine various trajectories of Western feminist theory and how they have intersected with feminist art practices and feminist art historiographies. By reading a range of primary and secondary texts, considering relevant artworks, and discussing their contemporary implications, we will consider critically a broad range of feminist practices and take seriously the urgent need to undo habits of classist, heteronormative, misogynist, racist, and sexist thinking. Through the course we will consider topics such as the definitions of sexual difference; performative constructions of gender; distinctions between sex and gender; relations between gender, sex, the look, and the gaze; the division of labor along lines of sexual difference; politics pertaining to representations of the sexed body; intersections between race, sex, and sexuality; relations between feminist and queer theories; those between feminist and postcolonial theories; and how all of these concerns might be put to productive and practical use against a heteronormative, masculinist, patriarchal, and white supremacist society.

Associated Term: 2020 Spring
Registration Dates: Nov 03, 2019 to Jan 20, 2020
Registration Levels: Graduate, NonDegree Continuing Undergrad, Undergraduate
Course Attributes: Writing Intensive

Japan Campus
Base Lecture Schedule Type
Classroom In-Person Instructional Method
Credit Hours: 4.000

Seats Available: 11

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 10:00 am - 11:20 am MWF Temple Japan Main Building 00306 Jan 14, 2020 - Apr 22, 2020 Base Lecture Taro Nettleton (P)E-mail

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