Class Schedule Listing

Temple University

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Class Schedule Listing - 2020 Fall (Feb 19, 2025)


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Sections Found
Japan's International Relations - 44768 - ASST 3030 - 801
CL: POLS 3510 (801). Topical Section Description: The Senkaku Islands, “comfort women”, CPTPP, and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, these are just some of the most pressing issues in Japan's international relations. This course aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of such problems by providing a broad overview of Japan's most important international relationships. Particular emphasis is placed on the country's dealings with the United States, China, the two Koreas, and Russia, though attention is also drawn to relations with other regions and international organisations. In so doing, the topics of the regional balance of power, historical memory, and global trade patterns are all brought to the fore. As the focus of international politics continues to shift towards the Asia-Pacific region, this subject of Japan's place in the world is becoming of ever greater significance.

Associated Term: 2020 Fall
Registration Dates: Apr 08, 2020 to Sep 04, 2020
Registration Levels: Graduate, NonDegree Continuing Undergrad, Undergraduate

Japan Campus
Base Lecture Schedule Type
Classroom In-Person Instructional Method
Credit Hours: 3.000

Seats Available: 21

Scheduled Meeting Times
Type Time Days Where Date Range Schedule Type Instructors
Class 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm TR Temple Japan Main Building 00303 Aug 31, 2020 - Dec 09, 2020 Base Lecture James D Brown (P)E-mail

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